Turn A Gundam
For 2000 years, a separate race of humanity has lived on the moon. Known as "the Moonrace," their technology is leaps and bounds beyond those that stayed behind on the Earth's surface. Now seeking to return to their original home, the Moonrace send three teenagers - Loran, Keith, and Fran - down to Earth on a reconnaissance mission to test the viability of its environment.After spending a year on Earth, Loran has become good friends with Sochie and Kihel, daughters of the prestigious Heim family, and he looks forward to fully integrating into Earth society. But before Loran gets the chance to make his report, the Moonrace launch a surprise attack. Earth's primitive airplanes are no match for the superior power of the Moonrace's mobile suits. However, in the midst of the initial attack, Loran and Sochie uncover a long-forgotten relic: a white mobile suit. As a Moonrace, Loran is quickly able to grasp the basics of piloting it, but by doing so, he inadvertently places himself in the middle of a war.
Chapter List
Time upload- Turn A Gundam Chapter 30 : Tin-Plated Memories [End]
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 29 : Moonlight Butterfly
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 28 : The Entrusted
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 27 : The Choice To Pursue
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 26 : Ghingham, The War God
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 25 : Two-Faced Gun
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 24 : The Unforseen Foe
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 23 : The Earth-Shattering Black History
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 22 : Sublunarian Nightmare
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 21 : Loran’S Blessed Day
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 20 : Lunar Gate
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 18 : The White Doll Of Peace
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 17 : Decisive Battle On The Surface
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 16 : Dianna’S Soldier
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 15 : The Presented Plume
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 14 : The Wedge Ship And The Ship Of Feathers
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 13 : Loran’S Loss
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 12 : The Shadow Of The Eclipse
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 11 : Home Is Far Beyond The Sky
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 10 : Knox’S Collapse
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 9 : Intent
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 8 : Grave Visitation
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 7 : Corin Called It A Gundam
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 6 : Disaster Arrives
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 5 : Each Individual’S Intents
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 4 : Dianna's Descent
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 3 : The White Doll
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 2 : The Night Of The Ceremony
- Turn A Gundam Chapter 1 : Howl At The Moon