The Big O
The official comic adaptation of Bandai's Cartoon Network hit, a stylish "manga meets film noir" story which goes BEYOND the plot of the TV series! Paradigm City is the city of amnesia--40 years ago, SOMETHING happened that wiped out the memories of the residents, forcing them to recreate their culture from scattered fragments. In this world only 40 years old, Roger Smith is a negotiator--a go-between for police, citizens and criminals in high-risk diplomatic situations. But something else survives from the forgotten past. They are the MegaDeuses--giant robots created by the city's former inhabitants, or perhaps by the forgetful citizens themselves. When crime and madness strike, Roger Smith brings the guilty to justice with the giant robot called THE BIG O.
Chapter List
Time upload- The Big O Chapter 21 : Roger...
- The Big O Chapter 20 : The Memory Disk
- The Big O Chapter 19 : Angel
- The Big O Chapter 18 : Little Robot Lost
- The Big O Chapter 17 : Past Lives
- The Big O Chapter 16 : In Darkness
- The Big O Chapter 15 : Another Side Of You
- The Big O Chapter 14 : The Sun Will Rise Again
- The Big O Chapter 13 : The Chosen Ones
- The Big O Chapter 12 : To The One I Can T Forget
- The Big O Chapter 11 : Alcohol, Tobacco & Memories
- The Big O Chapter 10 : Unto Us A Beast Is Born
- The Big O Chapter 9 : My Sweetheart Dorothy
- The Big O Chapter 8
- The Big O Chapter 7
- The Big O Chapter 6
- The Big O Chapter 5
- The Big O Chapter 4
- The Big O Chapter 3
- The Big O Chapter 2
- The Big O Chapter 1