Nigerasenai Yo? Fukakuro-Kun
The story revolves around Fukuro, a high school boy who tries to live in the shadows.However, his life takes an unexpected turn when, as part of a punishment game, he has to confess his love to the most popular girl in his class. Through a misunderstanding, he ends up confessing his feelings to Tsubaki Sakura, the most feared girl in school.As he tries to clear up the confusion, Tsubaki surprisingly attacks him, adding an unexpected and hilarious twist to the situation.+
Chapter List
Time upload
Maybe coming in the next issue
Nigerasenai Yo? Fukakuro-Kun Chapter 5
Nigerasenai Yo? Fukakuro-Kun Chapter 6
Nigerasenai Yo? Fukakuro-Kun Chapter 5
Nigerasenai Yo? Fukakuro-Kun Chapter 6